Defence Exports Promotion

Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence, Government of India

DDP Helpline number for exports is 011-23012948.

Import Facilitation

Government as part of its 'Make in India' Programme has given impetus to development of defence products in the country both for its need and for export to its friendly countries. In order to build up capability of the Indian Industry in the area of defence platforms/systems, for the purpose of development of prototypes and re-engineering of items of defence applications, number of items /components are required to be imported by Indian industry

To facilitate import of such items, Department of Defence Production has issued guidelines for signing/counter signing of End User Certificate and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). These guidelines & SOP can be downloaded from the links below:

Download Links:
S.No Document Download Links
1 Guidelines for "Issuance of End User Certificate for Indian Companies for import of Defence Goods & Technologies" dtd 9.5.2012 View/Download
2 Format for "End User Certificate for Indian Companies for import of Defence Goods & Technologies from Germany" dtd 11.6.2016 View/Download
3 Guidelines for "Countersigning of End User Certificate for Indian Companies for import of Defence Goods & Technologies from Russia" dtd 14.3.2018 View/Download
4 Director General Foreign Trade - DDP-ORDER-28.5.18 English / Hindi
5 Standard Operating Procedure for Processing Import Authorisation applications Dtd 7.1.19 View/Download